Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Good-bye Pokhara

Pokhara has been a nice break - easy days of reading and tea and some long walks. Of course, although my idea of a long walk may be up the side of a nearby mountain, it certainly isn't nine days of six hours a day trekking straight up into the Himalayas. Anyway, I think it is time for me to move on. I have heard that it is possible to go to the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu and get some kind of addendum to my visa to allow me to go back into India, but I think I will skip it. I wanted to see southern India next and it is already getting way too hot there and I don't have a burning desire to suffer. ;) So, next stop Sri Lanka.

I found a travel agent who cost me the same as booking the tickets myself online - he settles for his commission from the airlines and doesn't add fees on the customer. Plus there were difficulties and he worked through everything for me. When we were through with business, Rupak needed a break so we took off on his motorcycle to see a waterfall and clamber through a cave in the Pokhara area. Too bad we didn't get to the museum before they closed, but we had a great afternoon. Of course, if you have an idea to go to Nepal I can surely recommend him as honest, thorough and fair; and he has a nice web page on blogspot with a bunch of useful info about traveling and playing in Nepal.

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