Sunday, May 23, 2010

Decisions, decisions, decisions...

I'm back in Colombo and after a couple days here it will be time for me to leave Sri Lanka. What to do next? I still have a desire to go to Thailand as there are several good meditation monasteries there, and things seem to have settled down enough in Thailand. Plus, oddly enough, of all the things I have seen and done in Asia, I haven't spent good, focused meditation time in a refuge or center. Hmmm...

On the other hand, between my travels in North America and now in Asia I have been on the road a long time and the sense that I need to settle down in one spot for a while grows.

What to do, what to do? The difficult decisions of life without the mundane duties of life. Woe is me. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Each moment is one of uncertainties, n'est-ce pas? If you listen quietly your heart may reveal your path (just a theory, an uncertain one at that!). Thailand seems quite unstable from this keyboard . . . been to Singapore? Fascinating place, or at least it was circa 1998.
