Friday, May 21, 2010


Hey, didn't somebody say I would get a break from climbing at Mihintale? Climb to the monastery, then climb to the stupa; climb to the Buddha statue...

... and climb this big rock up difficult, worn ancient steps sketchily chiseled into the rock to see: hey, there's nothing up here! Well, there's a nice view back down on the monastery grounds.

Another favorite feature at most temples and shrines: the Bodhi Tree. The Bodhi Tree at Anaradhapura is grown from a cutting taken from the original Bodhi Tree at Bodh Gaya in India and many of the other temple trees in Sri Lanka were taken from the one at Anaradhapura. That's cool.

Nice. This is still part of the greater Mihintale site. It is a big place.

Common at old temple ruins, the columns have mostly been broken off and are just stubs now; but, these once would have held up a large wooden roof.

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